Guidelines for Entrants
The Linbury Prize is open to graduates from theatre design degree or postgraduate courses graduating in 2022 and 2023. Applicants without a degree qualification who can demonstrate equivalent skills are also encouraged.
Applicants from all nationalities are welcome to apply providing they are officially a resident in the UK, have permission to remain and intend to base their practice in the UK.
If you have any doubt as to your eligibility to apply for this year’s prize, please contact: LinburyPrize@nationaltheatre.org.uk
Applications open:
24th July 2023
27th August 2023 (11:59pm)
Please upload a current CV via the application form. Please do not include any headshots or passport photos. Maximum file size 15MB.
Upload and present a 10 page PDF Portfolio. Portfolios over 10 pages long will not be accepted. The maximum file size is 100MB.
The first page should not be an intro or front cover, please go straight into a project.
Please save the PDF with your name in the title. ​
Must include a range of costume designs / sketches / storyboards / image of model box / production shots across the selected projects.
Your ten portfolio pages should show the range of your work, but do not need to include every project you have worked on at college or since graduating. Please select images that best show your process; how you explore, reference and communicate ideas through early sketches and renders.
We are interested in your critical judgement, how you select and resolve which ideas have most potential and your ability to bring them to a high level of completion through model boxes, costume drawings and, if realised, production shots.
You may wish to highlight different aspects of your practice with each project, so for example featuring costume more in one, or focusing on the response to an unusual site or space in another. Choose your images carefully - making sure that every image tells a different story.
An example of CAD drawings would be useful, but not necessary for every project. You may also like to show examples of other projects such as puppetry, installation, video or prop design.
We are less interested in any assistant work you may have had, as the prize aims to celebrate your talents and potential as a designer.
Overall, we are looking to find outstanding design as shown through the development of your ideas and the levels of skill shown in the use of materials or techniques you employ.
Your portfolio will have to speak for itself to the judges, who are looking for a mix of technical skill, artistic ability and creative vision.
We acknowledge the necessity of environmentally sustainable design and as such this will from an active part of the judging criteria.
Please submit your portfolio in
A3 landscape format. 16:9 and similar screen based ratios will also be accepted.
The portfolio should be able to be read without excessive zooming in and out. Therefore avoid tiny images and text.
We are committed to supporting and delivering feedback to all applicants throughout the process. We feel it is important that an emerging designer's first steps into the industry are a positive learning experience as we guide and mentor them throughout.
It is not a requirement for submission, but video can be a useful medium for showing design elements such as animation, filmic storyboards, video design etc. If including video, please follow these guidelines;
- As short as possible. Maximum length 30 seconds - judges will not watch after this.
- Maximum of 1 video per project
- Either embed the video in the PDF or provide a link to a video sharing platform e.g. Youtube or Vimeo, not Instagram.
- Avoid footage of shows where content can be covered as satisfactorily in still images. Include
when content is specific to video format.
Make it clear who your collaborators are on any project, especially if there has been a split between set, costume and video. Please also include the director and venue where applicable.​​
Differentiate between realised and speculative / unrealised work.
We are aware that for many this will be a reduction of images from what they would like to show in a full portfolio, but believe it is a valuable exercise and will help candidates prepare for future interview opportunities .The standardised format will also make it easier for the judges to compare the work fairly.
If you have accessibility requirements or need support submitting an application, please contact linburyprize@nationaltheatre.org.uk